Whitney Woods 25 years


Print Trade Direct Mail Services and Mailing House Services including Hand Enclosing, Bulk Mail Services  

We have been a mailing house just as long as we have been in print finishing – in fact it is actually a few months longer. Whilst specializing in hand enclosing we offer quite sophisticated data processing services and these services in particular have enabled several local printers being able to win lucrative contracts. Many mailing houses want to handle the whole business – from design to print to despatch. We are not in competition with printers or agencies; we just want to do what we are best at - working with our hands! We are more than happy for printers to print letters and envelopes etc and we will take care of everything from there. If you are not familiar with the workings of direct mail and discounts available from Royal Mail such as with Mailsort, our estimators will be pleased to guide you through the maze!

To see the full scope of our mailing services just click here www.mailbyhand.co.uk