Hand Collating Services and Paper Drilling
Hand Collating Services and Paper DrillingThese particular services are called upon in the assembly of ring binders. Not all automatic collating machines are capable of handling the job so it is often the case that contents of the ring binder have to be collated by hand. This is done in the time-honoured fashion of hand collating by putting a stack of each leaf on a bench in sequential order, checking the sequence against a “bible” which the printer supplies and then walking around the benches picking up one sheet at a time until each book is completed.
From that point, the hand collated leaves have to be knocked up so that all the edges are good and straight and ready to have holes put in them for the binding rings. We have different paper drilling machines for this job which can drill 2, 3 or 4 holes. The machines take different sizes of drill bits in order to suit the ring mechanism in the binders. Once the hand collated sets have been drilled they are installed onto the ring mechanism, the binders are closed and then packed into suitable boxes.
However, not all of our paper drilling operation is given over to hand collations for binders. We still do quite a few luggage tags and swing tickets, for example, and there are other instances when we are asked to drill holes which are usually in association with our eyeletting services division.